Because there are many differences and we need to look for them

A natural padding can be declared to be pure silk, connecting to the concept of performance and ecological fibre, when the percentage of natural silk fibre is 100%. *

Why choose and demand the 100% Silk

Discover the differences of 100% Silk

Discover the naturality of 100% Silk

Discover the wellness of 100% Silk

Only a natural padding in 100% silk fiber can guarantee innovation, performance and combat CO2 pollution

Performance - Thermophysiological comfort index - Pdf

Discover the exceptional effects of the seta system on greenhouse gases and CO2

What are the differences between ecological natural padding and synthetic padding

uniquess of silk padding

Are all the padding the same?

At a general first observation it is certainly difficult to recognize what a silk fiber is and what a synthetic fiber or a mixed silk-synthetic fibre, but there are enormous differences.

In the first two photographs two paddings:

  • on the left, the padding made of pure natural T.Silk (100% natural silk fibre)
  • on the right, the "silk" padding (51% Silk and 49% synthetic fiber (Polyester or other synthetic fiber including not well-defined bio-based materials))

In the second two photographs, two types of fibre:

  • on the left, natural silk fibre
  • on the right, bi-component synthetic fibre

How to choose a padding

Many manufacturers try, with the definition of silk padding, natural silk padding, ecological natural silk padding, natural filling to include products that often have only a minimal percentage of silk fiber inside

  • using the “SETA” brand,
  • creating confusion among consumers,
  • omitting the exact percentage of non-silk fiber present inside the padding,
  • sometimes even omitting what type of fiber it is

Padding, in addition to silk, also contains significant percentages of fibres, elements and synthetic substances (partially or highly polluting), loses, in addition to what has already been seen in the previous paragraphs, absolutely all those characteristics of:

that only 100% silk can guarantee

What are the differences between Silk, Polyester and Plastics defined as "bio-based"

Polyester and fossil oil fibre

A composite fiber of polypropylene and/or polyester with elements, resins or minerals with different melting points and/or with the application of cross-linked resins, inserted into a padding or filling is subjected to processes which, through heat, cause the chemical component to dissolve in the in order to bind the various fibres. The subsequent passage to lower temperatures determines crystallization and the creation of a cohesive structure combined with an increase in volume.

  • The initial monomers: 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (terephthalic acid) and 1,2-ethanediol (ethylene glycol);
  • The use of huge amounts of water and contaminating lubricants;
  • 2 kg of petroleum to obtain 1 kg of Pet;
  • A polyester sweatshirt deposits up to 1,000,000 dangerous and polluting microfibres in cleaning water;
  • Biodegradable in 450/600 years;
  • In the face of variations in temperature, it deteriorates by spreading a carcinogenic toxin (DEHA);
  • Can release antimony, a toxic metalloid;
  • Can release PBDE, a powerful environmental pollutant;
  • Contains phthalates that are dangerous for the endocrine system.

Bio-based or biological or biodegradable plastic fibers PLA

These types of fibers take different names (including Polylactic Acid PLA), indicating in the prefix bio elements of complete biologicality and/or biodegradability, highlighting natural starting materials, proteins or starches. However, they (deliberately) hide within them an accentuated variability with characteristics that are absolutely different from each other:

  • What are the real percentages of natural raw materials used?
  • What are the real percentages of other raw materials? All natural?
  • What are the processes for their production?
  • How does the chemical part of these processes develop?
  • How much of the original natural raw material remains in the fiber?
  • What are the actual disposal methods?

The PLA Case

What is PLA and PLA fiber ?

PLA has long been the subject of a marketing campaign aimed at identifying it as a material that derives from natural materials including corn. Starch (a sugar) is extracted from plants and transformed through the use of enzymes into glucose. glucose is subjected to fermentation and polymerization obtaining molecular sequences similar to those of petroleum-based polymers.

Is PLA a sustainable fibre?

The production of PLA involves a significant consumption of carbon, fossil fuels and water for the production of the raw materials from which it derives. To produce 1 kg of PLA, approximately 2.60 kg of corn are needed. If we wanted to replace the entire global plastic production (around 300 million tons) with PLA, around 750 million tons of corn would be needed which would necessarily be removed from the food supply chain and would require replacement.

Is PLA a non-polluting biodegradable fibre ?

In many promotions and marketing campaigns, PLA is defined as a fibre, a biodegradable element like common household waste resulting from food waste. PLA is an element and a fiber that must be destined exclusively for industrial composting. PLA is compostable only and exclusively in controlled temperature conditions (above 50/70 degrees) and humidity of industrial waste. Current composting plants (source German Environmental Aid - DUH) are not able to introduce bioplastics into their composting system, considering them to be substances unsuitable for this type of biodegradation

It is very likely to have a harmful environmental impact resulting from very small parts of plastic elements if PLA is left in the environment or composted according to organic waste rules” Federal Environmental Agency

The decomposition times of PLA in the environment are approximately 80/90 years.

PLA must not be left in the environment as if not treated appropriately it contributes to a high level of environmental pollution

Is PLA recyclable ?

There isn't a PLA recycling and reuse chain. PLA is collected precisely for the need to send it to industrial treatments, together with high plastics (especially PET) which increase and cause contamination. Its degree of pure reuse and recycling is therefore highly compromised.

Does PLA emit harmful substances?

PLA, especially if incinerated or brought close to intense heat sources, emits a significant quantity of nanoparticles which, due to their penetration and size, are able to cross the different capillary barriers of our body.

These are mainly lactide particles. PLa is rarely 100% pure. It hides within it a series of additives used in the various phases of its production (up to 40%). A series of laboratory tests have proven that toxic particles of colomethyl and styrene are emitted along with other harmful and potentially carcinogenic elements

The Silk

The silk fiber and T.Silk the natural ecological silk padding in 100% silk is composed "ONLY" of two natural proteins Sericin and Fibroin, highly compatible fibrous proteins that help the proteins that make up our body = 100% NATURE. Leaving aside the aspect of absolute lack of breathability and thermoregulation of polyester and synthetic fibers with cross-linked resins, it is essential to know and inform oneself about a series of DATA and the effects in terms of release of possible harmful substances from polyester fibers and resins apply.

Discover all the natural elements of 100% silk

Discover all the differences between silk and synthetic and artificial fibres

Choose in true freedom

T.Silk is the only natural ecological padding made of pure natural silk (100% natural silk fibre). Patented on the basis of the project, T.Silk, created and consolidated in the certainty that silk and only silk is the natural fibre that provides a very high level of performance for padding and filling, thermoregulation, thermal balance, breathability with complete sustainability, ecology, naturalness, and respect for the environment.

Check, ask for news, get information, and demand to know what we are really buying, especially regarding the real compositions of the product.

This is the only weapon available to be able to freely choose ecological and sustainable products, to obtain genuine quality that benefits our health, to buy products that contain authentic natural elements without other undeclared additions. Pure natural silk ecological padding and pure natural silk filling (100% natural silk fibre) and silk padding (51% silk and 49% polyester or other synthetic fibre).

They are absolutely not the same!

Discover T.Silk European Patent Discover T.Silk products



*The law in terms of labeling provides that:

  • A product can be qualified as "100%" or "pure" (example: 100% Silk or Pure Silk) if it is entirely composed of the same fibre (there is a tolerance of 2% / 5% if justified)
  • If a product is composed of 2 or more fibres, one of which is at least 85% of the total weight, (example: 85% silk 15% polyester), only the main fibre can be indicated, but with the correct percentage (e.g. 85% Silk)
  • If a product is composed of 2 or more fibres none of which reaches 85% of the total weight (example: 55% silk 45% polyester) the fibre and percentage of at least 2 of the fibres present in the highest percentage must be indicated