Technical insight

Silk Vs CO2

The Silk system reduces the presence of CO2 and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 1 Kg. of silk produced allows to reduce more than 700 Kg. of CO2 and greenhouse gases. Silk and Mulberry tree for the protection of the earth
L'imbottitura naturale T.Silk nell'intervista The Good in Town

T.Silk Natural Padding in The Good in Town Interview

The innovative potential of discontinuous thread silk The natural padding T.Silk is mentioned in the interview of The Good in Town capturing the curiosity of Marina Sozzi who dedicates the...
Imbottitura naturale ecologica in 100% Seta T.Silk

The uniqueness of exclusive ecological natural padding in 100% T.Silk

Because there are many differences and we need to look for them A natural padding can be declared to be pure silk, connecting to the concept of performance and ecological...
Setino, il piumino ecologico con imbottitura naturale, combatte l'inquinamento riducendo il livello di CO2

Setino, the ecological duvet with natural padding, fights pollution by reducing the level of CO2

Adotta una foresta di 233 alberi!! Il piumino ecologico Setino ed i prodotti T.SILK COLLECTION con imbottitura in seta T.SIlk riducono CO2 e pericolosi inquinanti
Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day world earth day T.Silk Padding and the environment…let's start with the little things Today, April 22, 2020, on its 50th Anniversary, T.Silk with its line of natural silk...
Microfibre plastiche. Carta di credito a cena

Plastic Microfibers… Credit Card at Dinner

Pollution from Plastic Microfibers… At Dinner, Credit Card Storytelling that distracts from solving the problem This evening and regularly for one evening a week, at dinner will be served... a...
La Seta di Gelso per l'imbottitura naturale più sostenibile

Mulberry tree: a unique raw material, sustainable and indispensable

Nature gives us ecological and sustainable padding Silk is an outstanding raw material. It comes from two natural elements — a tree and a caterpillar. Namely, a mulberry tree and...

OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 Certification

The padding that is a friend of nature, friend of man, friend of wellbeing T.Silk silk padding is certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100. Clothing items, quilts or duvets for beds...

PLASTICUS – The whale that questions us on the problem of pollution from plastic microfibres

…for a sea and a world to save. A few weeks ago we examined a topic in detail entitled:Microplasticsfromsynthetic textile fibres are primarily responsible for the pollution of our seas”....
L’agroecologia per salvaguardare le risorse naturali e la biodiversità

Agroecology for protecting natural resources and biodiversity

FAO considers the cultivation of mulberry as a virtuous example Rome 3 April 2018 – 2nd FAO International Agroecology Symposium - Agriculture, ecology, nature and biodiversity. The agricultural system at...
Le microplastiche da fibre tessili sintetiche responsabili dell'inquinamento

Microplastics from synthetic textile fibres are primarily responsible for the pollution of our seas

Clothing made of synthetic fibres is the number one enemy of our oceans Microplasticsfromsynthetic textile fibres, used in fabrics and padding for clothing, in accessories or in home textiles, are...
Imbottitura ecologica per natura, imbottitura di seta naturale e biologica

Natural eco-friendly (ecological*) padding

T.Silk | The importance of natural and organic silk Mulberry leaves are the main form of nourishment for silkwormswhich are used to make our Silk Padding. The plantations of this...