Ovatta naturale brevettata in 100% seta

Patented!!! Exclusive T.Silk 100% silk natural padding. European patent

Il progetto T.Silk per la rivoluzionaria Imbottitura in 100% Seta naturale ottiene il prestigioso riconoscimento di Brevetto Italiano ed Europeo. Il materiale del futuro per utilizzi innovativi
Imbottiture riciclate in seta - Progetto Re#Value

Recycled silk padding and stuffing - Re#Value project

Imbottiture in seta riciclata - La filosofia T.Silk Re#Value - Cosa rende così innovativo ed interessante il progetto di imbottiture ed imbottiture riciclate T.Silk - Intervista a Cikis Studio
L'imbottitura naturale T.Silk nell'intervista The Good in Town

T.Silk Natural Padding in The Good in Town Interview

The innovative potential of discontinuous thread silk The natural padding T.Silk is mentioned in the interview of The Good in Town capturing the curiosity of Marina Sozzi who dedicates the...
Imbottitura naturale ecologica in 100% Seta T.Silk

The uniqueness of exclusive ecological natural padding in 100% T.Silk

Because there are many differences and we need to look for them A natural padding can be declared to be pure silk, connecting to the concept of performance and ecological...
Patchwork e Quilt. Hobby con l'esclusiva imbottitura in seta T.Silk

Exclusive T.Silk 100% Silk padding for patchwork & quilt

...created with your hands, from nature, for comfort If you are at this page you are probably passionate about padding, fabrics and patchwork and quilt as a hobby or in any...
L’imbottitura in seta T.Silk entra in MaterialconneXion New York

The T.Silk padding enters MaterialconneXion New York

T.Silk enters the MaterialconneXion DATAbase and library Since April 2020 the exclusive and patented T.Silk silk padding products have become part of the DATAbase and Library of MaterialconneXion, the main...
L’imbottitura in seta T.Silk: l'alternativa alla piuma d'oca secondo il Sole24 ore

IlSole24 ore speaks about T.silk

What are the truly sustainable alternatives? An interesting article (read on line) from the fashion section of "il sole24ore", analyses and searches for sustainable alternatives, as well as innovations in...
Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day world earth day T.Silk Padding and the environment…let's start with the little things Today, April 22, 2020, on its 50th Anniversary, T.Silk with its line of natural silk...
Imbottire ed imbottiture con ovatta e fibra in seta

The art of the invisible ... filling with natural silk padding

The art of the invisible - The value of natural silk fiber padding The history of Cosetex silk has been lost in time, since the early dawn of the last...
Imbottitura sostenibile senza microplastiche

Sustainability of silk padding

Releasing natural vibes instead of plastic microfibers The use of the terms “sustainability” and “eco-sustainability” when talking about filling and padding applies to a myriad of aspects. The entire cycle...
Imbottitura in seta per trapunte e piumino letto: naturalità e benessere

Silk padding for duvets and quilts – A new way of choosing wellbeing

We enhance the value of our sleep and protect it Only the naturalness, eco-compatibility and thermal physiological performances ofthe SilkT.Silk,used as paddingfor duvetsorquilts,are able to protect and truly enhance our...
L'imbottitura in Seta nella Storia

Silk padding through history

News, traditions and finds for an endless history The use of silk paddingto protect the body against the weather as well as to increase the healthy feeling that a garment...