Releasing natural vibes instead of plastic microfibers

The use of the terms “sustainability” and “eco-sustainability” when talking about filling and padding applies to a myriad of aspects. The entire cycle of the product life can be made sustainable, from the type and quality of raw materials to refinement and processing and further to product decomposition and break down of fabrics once the cycle is over. That is why we can talk about a certain production structure.

There is a solution to microfibre pollution

Production of synthetic fibers is structured in such a way that it constantly leads to high levels of contamination. More people become aware of it every day. Synthetic fibers are made of oil derivatives, they release microplastic or plastic microfibers during wash and they keep polluting the environment long after the garments have been thrown away. We have already covered this in our blog

The damage that use of plastic microfibers causes on the global level has been attested by many experts in the field, including a study by the UN group of experts on the scientific aspects of marine environmental protection produced the first global assessment of the sources. The scientists declared that current practices of synthetic fibers production have devastating effects on our health and the entire ecosystem —and moreover, there is no solution to this problem.

“The problem of microplastic presence in the oceans could result in being impossible to resolve. It seems unlikely that a cost-effective technical solution can be developed and maintained to allow the large-scale removal of significant quantities of floating microplastics from the ocean. Any proposed scheme would be ineffective as long as plastics and microplastics continue to enter the ocean,” | The scientist said


  • It is hard to reduce the number of washing cycles of clothing garments, comforters or bed quilts during their use.
  • Water treatment plants —even in places where they do exist — are not capable or limiting damage from microfibers due to the tiny size of the latter.
  • There are no known processes which could lead to destruction of such pieces of microplastic nor there are ways to collect them.

As many international studies have indicated, the problem is quickly expanding from the marine environment to the entire ecosystem

DATA/Result/Studies Pdf

You can make your choice

One could continue hoping that the nature will take its course and decompose plastic microfibres. Such hopes would, however, be completely vain. For example, disintegration of ubiquitous PET bottles, often advertised as recycled components of many synthetic padding or so called ‘thermal’ garments, takes no less than 600 years!

Thinking seriously about finding a real solution to the problem, without masking it with commercial and/or marketing policies, means we are obliged to shift attention and make an effort to spark a conscious change in decision-making and/or consumer behavior. Both end users and producers of clothing and home textile should emphasize that it is only natural to switch and favour those products which guarantee complete absence of microfibers in the manufacturing process, so we could put a stop to pollution

The solution is right here is in our hands

solution pollution microfibers

Silk filling and padding produced by T.Silk is a ready solution to plastic microfiber contamination. It combines a tried and true eco-sustainable production system and a proven thermophysiological comfort that T.Silk products deliver. Their heat and breathability performance are unparalleled.

  • Improved ecological properties e naturality of raw materials and the production system. You can learn more about how all aspects of T.Silk production process respect nature, see in the pdf file below.
  • Natural resources are re-introduced, contributing to biodiversity preservation.
  • It is a 100% recyclable and decomposable natural product which releases only natural subproducts both during its use and afterwards.

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