Setino è la trapunta matrimoniale perfetta per ogni stagione

Setino - the perfect double duvet for every season

The 100% silk padded duvet system from the Setino line allows you to obtain maximum comfort, well-being and thermoregulation at every moment of your rest, adapting its performance to different situations and seasons.
migliore piumone matrimoniale

Setino, the best double duvet

Setino the best choice for a duvet Setino is the double duvet , single duvet and King Duvet or Queen Duvet of the exclusive T.SILK COLLECTION line, designed and produced...
T.SILK COLLECTION presenta i suoi prodotti 100% Seta a HOMI - Milano Home

T.SILK COLLECTION with its 100% Silk products at HOMI – Milan Home fair

Authenticity | Originality | Quality | Innovation Cosetex and its exclusive T.SILK COLLECTION products in 100% natural silk will be present at Homi – Milano Home “Your way of living”,...
L’unicità dell’imbottitura T.Silk e del piumone naturale Setino

The uniqueness of the T.Silk filling and the Setino natural duvet

What Setino is Setino is the decisive overcoming of traditional natural duvets and/or with silk natural padding. Setino is the innovation of natural T.Silk padding in 100% silk for a...
Setino Made to Order, piumone personalizzato e trapunta naturale

Made to Order by Setino, the sustainable natural silk duvet

Made to Order is sustainable fashion Setino is the sustainable natural silk duvet and quilt with wide range of customisation. We only produce what we need (Made to Order), what...
piumone letto matrimoniale a calore differenziato SetinoDUO

SetinoDUO: the silk natural double bed duvet with differentiated heat

SetinoDuo: 2 Weights - 2 Heat Levels - 1 Setino Silk Duvet The Setino product range offers the innovative SetinoDUO: the first eco-friendly  natural double bed duvet in natural silk,...
L’esclusivo ed innovativo piumone matrimoniale Made in Italy in seta

The exclusive and innovative double duvet in Silk Made in Italy

Wellness and comfort Made in Italy Setino is the exclusive double duvet in 100% silk, the natural fiber par excellence, innovative microfiber created and sudied from Made in Italy research....
Setino, il piumino ecologico con imbottitura naturale, combatte l'inquinamento riducendo il livello di CO2

Setino, the ecological duvet with natural padding, fights pollution by reducing the level of CO2

Adotta una foresta di 233 alberi!! Il piumino ecologico Setino ed i prodotti T.SILK COLLECTION con imbottitura in seta T.SIlk riducono CO2 e pericolosi inquinanti
Setino: Il Piumone letto ed il coprimaterasso naturale in seta made in Italy

Setino: A natural silk duvet and mattress topper cover made in Italy

Made in Italy - Quality makes all the difference The Setino and Setino Topper are the first natural silk duvet  and silk mattress cover  to be made using the exclusive...
Piumone e coprimaterasso per biohotel ed alberghi

Duvet and mattress cover for bio hotels and hotels. Exclusivity and naturalness in silk

...a natural choice for customers and guests The T.SILK COLLECTION line of silk duvet and mattress covers for bio hotels, padded with natural silk fibres, are the ideal bed accessories for...
Setino il piumino in microfibra naturale

Setino: the innovation of a natural silk microfiber duvet

the health of Setino's natural silk microfibre Setino and Setino Topper represent the innovation that goes beyond the traditional microfibre double duvet or quilt, which goes beyond the concept of...
Setino: piumone matrimoniale e trapunta ecologica in fibre naturali

Setino: the natural double duvet and quilt with silk natural fibres

the natural double duvet and quilt The Setino project of the T.SILK COLLECTION line is the double duvet and the double quilt in 100% silk, which in the field of double...