Technical insight

Silk Vs CO2

The Silk system reduces the presence of CO2 and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 1 Kg. of silk produced allows to reduce more than 700 Kg. of CO2 and greenhouse gases. Silk and Mulberry tree for the protection of the earth
Technical insight

Thermophysiological comfort

The Thermophysiological Comfort Index objectively represents the level of well-being and comfort that a product and padding are able to guarantee.
Tessuto raso di seta con grafite

g_Silk – The innovative satin fabric with silk and graphite

…silk and graphite for exclusive fabrics and products The innovative silk satin fabric meets graphite to create an engineered symbiosis for innovative products for bedding system, health and skincare. A...
Dalla Seta non si butta via niente: il CEO di Cosetex sul podcast di Solomodasostenibile

Nothing is thrown away from Silk: the CEO of Cosetex on the Solomodasostenibile podcast

Silvio Mandelli , CEO of Cosetex , was interviewed by journalist Silvia Gambi for an important podcast on sustainability in the textile sector , Solomodasostenibile . The exclusive and patented...
Il Sistema Seta Mulberries: circolarità e valorizzazione della fibra

The Mulberries Silk System in Laos

Circularity and enhancement of the fiber Sustainability and circularity are universally recognised values, essentials in the context of consumer and product choices. Silk and its world, its logic and production...
La Storia della Seta

The history of silk

Not only history but centuries-old culture and tradition The History of Silk, its origins, its production and cultivation are enriched with new incredible discoveries. In the archaeological site of Wanggou,...
Leonardo e la seta di Gelso

Leonardo and the Mulberry Silk - The Restoration of the Sala delle Asse in Milan

The Genius of Leonardo celebrates Ludovico il Moro with silk and mulberry Mulberry silk is the protagonist of Renaissance Milan. 1498, Sforza Castle. Duke Ludovico Sforza enters for the first...
International Silk Conference 2019

International Silk Conference 2019

International Silk Conference Frontiers in Silk Sciences and technologies | 12-15 June 2019 Silk, a fiber at the service of a new technological phase, in search of an integrated biological...
La Seta Pompei e la Roma Imperiale

Silk, Pompeii and Imperial Rome

The Naples National Archaeological Museum and its collection of the Ancient Roman Textiles We are in Pompeii, and the “Grande Pompei” project is reporting uninterruptedly a series of sensational news...
Spostando la storia della Seta un po' più in là

The history of silk: Going further back in times

New findings change the history of silk as we used to know it In our post Silk padding through history we have looked at how silk and its production accompanied...
Chiacchierando di seta con Moreno Ferrari

Rediscovering the heart

Chatting about silk with Moreno Ferrari It is internal, hidden, not visible, only perceptible but who would dare to deny its importance? This is the idea that the T.Silk Team...
Seta Vaxess/Cosetex/T.Silk

Silk Vaxess/Cosetex/T.Silk

A natural biomaterial you did not expect The collaboration between Cosetex/T.Silk and Vaxess Technologies, one of the most dynamic startup companies in the US developing naturally derived biomaterials, is a...