Imbottitura sostenibile senza microplastiche

Sustainability of silk padding

Releasing natural vibes instead of plastic microfibers The use of the terms “sustainability” and “eco-sustainability” when talking about filling and padding applies to a myriad of aspects. The entire cycle...
Seta Vaxess/Cosetex/T.Silk

Silk Vaxess/Cosetex/T.Silk

A natural biomaterial you did not expect The collaboration between Cosetex/T.Silk and Vaxess Technologies, one of the most dynamic startup companies in the US developing naturally derived biomaterials, is a...
La Seta di Gelso per l'imbottitura naturale più sostenibile

Mulberry tree: a unique raw material, sustainable and indispensable

Nature gives us ecological and sustainable padding Silk is an outstanding raw material. It comes from two natural elements — a tree and a caterpillar. Namely, a mulberry tree and...
Certificazione OEKO-TEX® Standard 100

OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 Certification

The padding that is a friend of nature, friend of man, friend of wellbeing T.Silk silk padding is certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100. Clothing items, quilts or duvets for beds...
La coltivazione del gelso e la bachicoltura per la seta validi sostituti nella “guerra” alla coltivazione di oppio

The cultivation of mulberry and silkworm farming for the production of silk are valid substitutes in the fight against opium cultivation

A model case in Myanmar (Burma) A piece of news appeared on Reuters website a few days ago and soon hit the leading global media (NYTimes….), regarding populations in Myanmar...
Imbottitura in seta per trapunte e piumino letto - Un nuovo modo di scegliere il benessere

Silk padding for duvets and quilts – A new way of choosing wellbeing

We enhance the value of our sleep and protect it Only the naturalness, eco-compatibility and thermal physiological performances ofthe SilkT.Silk,used as paddingfor duvetsorquilts,are able to protect and truly enhance our...
PLASTICUS - La balena che ci interroga sul problema dell'inquinamento da microfibre plastiche

PLASTICUS – The whale that questions us on the problem of pollution from plastic microfibres

…for a sea and a world to save. A few weeks ago we examined a topic in detail entitled:Microplasticsfromsynthetic textile fibres are primarily responsible for the pollution of our seas”....
L’agroecologia per salvaguardare le risorse naturali e la biodiversità

Agroecology for protecting natural resources and biodiversity

FAO considers the cultivation of mulberry as a virtuous example Rome 3 April 2018 – 2nd FAO International Agroecology Symposium - Agriculture, ecology, nature and biodiversity. The agricultural system at...
T.Silk, Seta, Blue Economy un'interessante approfondimento

T.Silk, Silk, Blue Economy: an interesting opportunity for an in-depth focus

...chatting about silk with Gunter Pauli Turin 3 April 2018 Gunter Pauli* economist, entrepreneur, essayist, freethinker, founder of the Blue economycurrent and of ZERI(Zero Emission Research Initiative). TheT.Silk Team met...
Le microplastiche da fibre tessili sintetiche, tra i primi responsabile dell’inquinamento dei nostri mari

Microplastics from synthetic textile fibres are primarily responsible for the pollution of our seas

Clothing made of synthetic fibres is the number one enemy of our oceans Microplasticsfromsynthetic textile fibres, used in fabrics and padding for clothing, in accessories or in home textiles, are...
L'imbottitura in Seta nella Storia

Silk padding through history

News, traditions and finds for an endless history The use of silk paddingto protect the body against the weather as well as to increase the healthy feeling that a garment...
Imbottitura termica e termoregolatrice

Thermal and thermal-regulating padding

A thermal physiological and comfortable filling, ideal for clothing… and much more The generic termPadding,at times calledFilling,refers to those products that owing to the materials used and/or their manufacturing deliver...