The art of the invisible - The value of natural silk fiber padding
The history of Cosetex silk has been lost in time, since the early dawn of the last century (Read more about the History of Cosetex). The relevance of Cosetex silk is the rediscovery and innovation of the art of filling with natural padding in 100% silk wadding and fiber with exceptional characteristics, capable of raising the level of comfort, heat retention and breathability
Discover the discontinuous silk of Cosetex
Discover the excellence of T.Silk comfort
Thermal, acoustic and electrical insulating silk
What does Padding mean
Art of filling, with this term, even today, many artisans identify their activity, with absolute correspondence to reality. Art is certainly that of being able to enclose in a single act, in a single design, a set of elements and operations capable of characterizing and enhancing the qualities of a final product.What good padding should be like
Padding is a "hidden world", the heart of a product, filling with a natural padding or fiber capable simultaneously of:- support and lighten,
- compact and make soft
- give volume and ergonomics,
- enhance the external appearance with the raw materials that compose it.
Why choose T.Silk silk padding
The T.Silk project aims to give increasing visibility to padding starting from a design based on the desire to enhance technical connotations, naturalness and the search for well-being.
The T.Silk Project
The T.Silk project aims to give value to the excellence of the natural silk fiber inside the natural padding in order to communicate its excellence and characteristics:
Well Being Ergonomics Relaxation and softness
The T.Silk Patent
T.Silk is the revolutionary silk padding whose innovation has been recognized by an Italian and European patent.
Discover the patent of the T.Silk padding
Discover the technology of the T.Silk patent
T.Silk naturalness
The Project and the patent for padding wadding would not exist if the respect for the silk fibre, its visual, sensorial, technical and performance characteristics with natural health and sustainability of each element of the filling fiber that will constitute the padding, were not guaranteed.
The use of T.Silk padding
An item of clothing, a bed duvet, quilt, a double duvet, the padding of pillow, a padded accessory, a mattress topper, a sleeping mask, are just some of the T.SILK COLLECTION products that exclusively use the padding T.Silk and Cosetex silk fabrics. and which make the art of upholstering a product for a lifetime.