For silky hair
Laying your hair overnight, especially frizzy hair, in the caress of the T.Silk 100% Silk Pillowcase, pampering and supporting it in the T.Silk Silk headband means giving value to health, guaranteeing those microgeneration processes that have their climax during sleep and which influence the beauty, solidity and shine of the hair.
Discover the benefits of the Silk Pillowcase for your skin
Discover the characteristics of the T.Silk Headband
How to have healthier, beautiful and shiny hair
The level of hydration
The constant use of the silk pillowcase and silk headband aids the fight against frizzy hair by creating a skin, hair and silk microenvironment capable of avoiding the loss of the hair's hydration level, the main cause of its stiffening and lifting, (hair frizzy), aimed at seeking out and absorbing the humidity present in the air.

Skin tears from micro frictions
The natural silk fiber T.Silk enhances the structure of a completely smooth thread, free of any superficial microscales and therefore does not cause continuous micro-friction, a contributing cause of frizzy hair.
Analysing the structure of a strand of hair and a silk yarn highlights how the structure and morphology are very similar.

The benefits of natural silk proteins
If we go into the specificity of the proteins that make up the silk thread used for the production of the silk pillowcase and the T.Silk silk Head band, we can see how the analogies become surprising. Analogies and similarities that explain why T.Silk natural silk products are fundamental in the care and comfort of hair.
Keratin hair protein
The main constituent of hair (65 to 96%) is keratin, a fibrous protein that is also the main component of nails and body hair. Keratin guarantees:
- Perfect balance between elasticity, strength and stiffness;
- increase in elasticity when combined with collagen (fibrous protein);
- high level of reproduction and regeneration of hair cells;
- excellent structural support to the hair;
- "generational" change, regulating hair loss;
- high level of hair waterproofing;
- high level of robustness arranging itself in flakes along the hair shaft.
Fibroin the silk protein
Keratin is a fibrous protein. Fibrous proteins are fundamental in the human organism:
- define the support and protection structures
- determine the resistance level of different cell
Fibrous proteins are specialized proteins, attributable to common chemical elements, structurally arranged in bundles or sheets. The other fibrous proteins are collagen, elastin and silk fibroin.
Discover the natural composition of silk
Silk fibroin is one of the main components of the T.Silk Silk Headband Silk Pillowcase.
Night Haircare
The daily use of the T.Silk silk pillowcase, and the T.Silk hair band also combined with the T.Silk padded silk pillow and the various products from the exclusive T.SILK COLLECTION line means actively combating frizzy hair, placing the hair inside a beauty laboratory capable of:
- cure and eliminate the microfrictions generated every time you change your sleeping position
- prevent possible breakages,
- maintain the correct balance of relative humidity
- avoid dryness of the hair, the main cause of its weakening and frizzy hair
- giving the hair a protein habitat comparable to that of its constitution
promote regeneration and shine