...chatting about silk with Gunter Pauli

Turin 3 April 2018

Gunter Pauli* economist, entrepreneur, essayist, freethinker, founder of the Blue economycurrent and of ZERI(Zero Emission Research Initiative).

TheT.Silk Team met him to get a closer look at some issues regarding Silk and Silk Padding.

The Location:a futuristic and evocative redeveloped industrial building of the late nineteenth century (OGR-Officine Grandi Riparazioni of Turin), which has become an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Turin. The occasion:one of the first celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome* with an in-depth view by Prof.Pauliof the figure of Aurelio Peccei* entitled “Aurelio Peccei and the Club of Rome: 50 years of practical research and projects to save our planet.” At the margin of the event, an important occasion was offered toT.Silk: to discuss, listen to and reflect on the importance of creating a new model of modern economy, capable of re-determining, alongside many other variables, the no longer residual, but central position of natural fibres in general and especially of Silk. Rightful emphasis would at last be given to the incredible features of discontinuous silk fibre, among which thermal protection, breathability andthermal regulation. TheEnvironmental Sustainabilityof the silk agricultural/industrial system is in perfect harmony with the concept ofBlue economy -sustainable economy – developed on the logics of nature:a perfectly integrated system that does not waste or disperse resources, where everyone has a role to play, the waste of one becomes the raw material for another, the community and local territory are the beating heart of everything, and creativity and innovation are the founding principles of development. It was thrilling to see how theeco-friendly performance, biocompatibilityand eco-sustainabilitythat are inherent in Silkare able to respond “naturally” to the questions that the blue economyvision entails. It was equally amazing to have the chance to understand and examine the challenges, problems and opportunities in placing a significant element of change, such as Silk Padding, inside a consolidated system featuring feather down and synthetic products, revealing significant critical environmental issues. A special thanks to Prof.Gunter Paulifor this opportunity which we are sure was a first step towards a useful exchange of opinions and views also for the future. *Gunter Pauli "Born in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1956 – Degree in Economic Sciences from Loyola University - MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau – Responsible for the new model of economic development based on GNH (Gross National Happiness) values – Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences of San Francisco (USA) - Member of the Club of Budapest (Hungary) and the Club of Rome - Special Advisor to the Rector of the United Nations University in Tokyo (Japan), Head of the think tank for preparation of the Tokyo Protocol (1994-1997) – Honorary Degree in Ecodesign from the Polytechnic University of Turin - Honorary Doctorate from the University of Pécs (Hungary)." *Aurelio Peccei "FIAT Manager – he joined the resistance – entrepreneur in Italy and abroad - in 1968 he organised a meeting in Rome with a number of scholars and established the Club of Rome – in 1964 he became Olivetti’s CEO". *Club of Rome "Founded in 1968 by Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King – a non-profit, non-governmental association of scientists, economists, businessmen, civil right activists, top-level public international executives and Heads of State from all five continents – Of significance the 1972 Report on the limits of growth (Meadows Report) forecasting that economic growth could not continue indefinitely due to the limited availability of natural resources".